前台小姐竟能用英语逼死美国人!!! |
发起人:liy77125 回复数:2 浏览数:1673 最后更新:2008/7/22 22:32:59 by qier711 |
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liy77125 发表于 2008/4/18 11:15:50
前台小姐竟能用英语逼死美国人!!! 刚才来了个美国人,进到办公室,前台小姐左看右看,大家都在打游戏,只有自己比较清闲,面带微笑的:
前台小姐:“hello.” 美国人:“hi.” 前台小姐:“you have what thing?” 美国人:“can you speak english?” 前台小姐:“if i not speak english,i am speaking what?” 美国人:“can anybody else speak english?” 前台小姐:“you yourself look.all people are playing,no people havetime,you can wait,you wait,you not wait,you go!” 美国人:“good heavens.anybody here can speak english?” 前台小姐:“shout what shout,quiet a little,you one arth have whatthing?” 美国人:“i want to speak to your head.” 前台小姐:“head not zai.you tomorrow come!” |
abcd521cn 发表于 2008/4/27 16:49:34
qier711 发表于 2008/7/22 22:32:59
your gushi no wrong
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