;使用方法:开机状态下,打开V_Klay3.2以上版本,机型选SL45(online on 19200)或SL45(online on 115k),我公司里的电脑用不上115k,不需要去改连接速率,见截图 ;然后点应用补丁就开始刷了不需要按任何键,刷补丁期间手机停止任何活动,刷好补丁要点一下V_Klay界面右上角的的电源开关按钮,手机就正常了 ;有时手机刚刚连接过别的PC端软件,或者刚刚在关机情况下刷过补丁,开机刷补丁会显示无法连接,把数据线拔下再插上就行了..
;You can setup other CGSN patch, it patch only for calling "AT+GSN:F" in V_Klay ;From Set of patches (c) mamaich. Version 0.71b: ;Patching firmware with V_Klay 2.3.2+ leaving the phone online. ;Use this mode at your own risk! ;With the "online patching" mode you may apply any patches in V_Klay except ;those who modify EEPROM or 4F0000 block! “online patching” 这里4F0000 block对应55版用的570000段 ;Flashing mode is not supported when any java program is running or MP3 is playing! ;I use java memory for internal buffers. ;Online flashing may cause network and sometimes SIM/MMC-card errors when you ;enter flashing mode during some background operation in firmware. You'll need ;to turn phone off/on for the error window to disappear.
;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;下面是防止某些情况下手机崩溃,已经刷过的不用刷,没刷的一定要刷,否则容易死机 ;Prevent phone from a crash: ;This fix allows you to write patches that disable interrupts for a very ;long period of time. Of cause you should also use T3/P4.1 trick to serve WDT. ;Additionally this patch fixes several traps that occure after applying ;some other patches (like the phone switching off in "Prnce of Persia"). ;You should not commend these lines as they would cause no harm when the ;firmware operates in a normal way (the patched code is never executed). 172006: 8D24 CC00 172014: 9D20 CC00 172028: 9D19 CC00 17202E: 8D16 CC00 171F4A: 9D1E CC00 171F66: 9D13 CC00 133ED2: ED07 CC00 158CD2: 3D03 0D03 15A4A4: ED03 0D03 227CF2: 9BFE CC00 141FD6: E64734B79BFE E0FCC4C09203 26D5C7: 30 00 227E48: 9BFE CC00